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Secret Journey Secret Mixter
“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” ~ Martin Buber

It’s the Secret Journey Secret Mixter!
Participants in this Secret Mixter have promised to remix their assigned artist — in secret. Each artist will be remixed secretly too.
Upload day is June 14. For more information on how a Secret Mixter works read the FAQ.
Image “Pony Girder Railroad Bridge” by Patrick Feller - CC BY
It’s the Secret Journey Secret Mixter!
Participants in this Secret Mixter have promised to remix their assigned artist — in secret. Each artist will be remixed secretly too.
Upload day is June 14. For more information on how a Secret Mixter works read the FAQ.
Image “Pony Girder Railroad Bridge” by Patrick Feller - CC BY
View the results as a playlist.
This mixup is ancient history