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Like A Sycamore

uploaded: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 12:20 AM last modified: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 12:25 AM  (add)
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I was amazed to draw go1dfish given all we’ve been working on together lately. His guitar work rocks! This is for him. :)

Like A Sycamore

Gratitude like a sycamore grows
Her long-armed branches reach tall and skyward
Now that the sunlight of day is at its longest
Her roots have dug deeply
And you, a nearby sapling, have felt the shift in the dirt.

You’ve felt the rusted expansion of dense space in these layers of earth
that were once compacted and worn down.

Worms have tunneled this soil, gnawing away at decaying matter.
Can you feel the chomp at all that feeds you? Creeping crawling alchemists, transforming death into nutrients; harmoniously fueling all of us that stand swaying in this musical forest.

It’s black, cold and claustrophobic underground. The warmth of the sun, only a falling memory.

In this dark night, I’m shedding my skin. Licking the scabs on my roots, and silently hoping sap, like blood, will stop flowing — escaping me through the wounded patches where my bark has been suddenly chipped away.

And you’ve watched it all through your window. Seen the tears. Heard wailing from behind the front door.

Through the smoke, your soul rises. They are similar, the smoke and your soul. Molecules like scent. Permeating cell membranes and walls around sleeping hearts.

But through this decay, your heart is no longer sleeping. Open it wide. Allow your dreams to soar and then be crushed by the gravity of a Rocky Mountain landslide. And then from the rubble of wind and change, lay your hands to the ground. Pray to something unseen, the force from which all stars were made.

Compassion like water flows over you. It washes you clean, and you start again. Choose one or ten.

Your mind ignites like a sparkler, synapses connecting dendrites. This new Harmony evolves you and all you’re connected to.

You’re glowing like a blue star in our noosphere’s web-net constellation of collective consciousness.

And like a brother, you stand guard. You protect the edge of this recovering forest, where the thoughtless clearing of wooded acres that once stretched for miles, is now springing forth green starts of new life.

Gratitude like a sycamore grows.

"Like A Sycamore"
by Snowflake

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Can it get any better??
A beautiful guitar piece provided by Goldfish combined with a lovely poem written by Snowflake

Abstract Audio