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The Narrator

uploaded: Thu, Jun 2, 2011 @ 9:29 AM
byKara Square
Recommends (29)
The music is 100% Zapac.
The vocals/lyrics are 100% silly.

Vocal Stems- Wet & Dry.

I hope Zapac doesn’t mind that I made a musical-style number out of this amazing orchestral piece. I hope you find it to be a fun listen. The end. Or is it?

Will good prevail over evil?
Will evil ever realize how very evil evil is?
Who decides which side is good and which side is evil?
Is this based solely on the word of the narrator?
The word of me?
But who am I?

The one with the ultimate power!
The all-knowing story teller!
The lord of narration!
The almighty creator of anticipation!

The voice above telling the story
Developing characters
Deciding the outcome
Picking sides and sympathies
Guiding the thoughts of the audience
Reeling you in
Reeling you in
And building

Sorcerer of saga
Wizard of words
Conjurer of cliffhangers
Deity of fantasy
Prodigy of allegory
Minstrel of myth
Fabler of fables
Prophet of parable

"The Narrator"
by Kara Square

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Over a suspenseful soundtrack from Zapac, Mind Map That! brings dramatic flair and much creative sensibility to a story about a narrator, the one Deus Ex Machina who can reliably breach the fourth wall!

Listen for the fantasy, the allegory, and the myth. Most of all, listen to this because it is good!

Admiral Bob

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