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New Remix not showing

permalink   Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 1:12 AM
My new remix is not showing on the sidebar nor in the remix list.

permalink   Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 1:27 AM
Your “new” remix scrolled off the new remixes sidebar a few hours ago and it’s absolutely in the remix list.
permalink   PorchCat Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 1:34 AM
Ah, I did not scroll down that far on the remix list to look for it. My fault there.

The appropriate title should therefore be “wtf is up with my remix’s time stamp?”

I literally just finished uploading the track very shortly before I posted. That seems very … odd.

All of the tracks in the “new remixes” list were there when I uploaded my song.

I wasn’t even finished with the track on the time listed on it!


P.S. Would it be OK to delete and reupload the track, as I did just upload it? Before I do that, I have one more question, as I think I know what the problem might have been now. If I opened a submission page earlier in the day, would that affect the timestamp? How does the system attibute submission times?
permalink   Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 12:19 PM
well that’s a new one and no, it has nothing to do with opening the submit form (or shouldn’t)

I re-stamped your upload with the time of upload according to our system logs.
permalink   PorchCat Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 12:32 PM
Ah thank you. The system logs vindicate me! :-D I have a few samples and such to upload. I will open a submit form and leave it sit there a while like I did with this remix to experiment. It was the only thing I could think of. I did open the form and fill it out earleir in the day, probably around the original timestamp.

permalink   victor Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 12:37 PM
you were right, we took the time stamp at the form open, not the completion of the upload…

fixed now.

permalink   PorchCat Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 2:05 PM
Wow! Talk about quick! *sings the many praises of Victor*
