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Server issues?

permalink   Fri, Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:20 AM
I am getting time out errors on the site (only occasional). I am also not receiving all notifications for reviews/remixes (also the minority).

permalink   Fri, Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:36 AM
we seem to be ok, and I just tested the review notification with success.

what are you trying to do that taking so long?
permalink   PorchCat Fri, Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:45 AM
I just had multiple time outs while going to track listings, posting replies and getting to the forum (and even getting this reply page). So that is, just about everywhere. It’s kind of random and only occasional (though in spurts). I can successfully navigate other sites without the issue when it is occuring, so I do not think it is my connection (though G-d knows it’s possible).

As far as the notifications, for example, I did not receive notification for one of my ratings on my most recent remix nor for it’s review. (Though oddly, I did receive the notification for the review of the drone from the same review author.)
