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attribution search glitch?

Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
permalink   Sun, Jun 25, 2006 @ 3:52 PM
I’m not sure this is anything, but given the multi-language updates, it seems like a good idea to mention it. On my latest upload, I searched for artist, “KCentric” to do attribution, and nothing was returned. Then I searched for “Reminisce” (partial title), and nothing was returned. I only got a hit on the full title.
permalink   Sun, Jun 25, 2006 @ 7:16 PM
I couldn’t reproduce this on either Firefox or IE using Windows XP (I searched for kcentric in the Remix upload form and got all his uploads)

I’ve heard of this before (I think it happened to Pat once or twice) so there’s obviously something there but until I can reproduce it or figure how our configurations are different it’s near impossible for me to track it down.

Is there anything special you have going on? Like popup blocker, cookie washer, monkey script etc.??

permalink   Ran Dumb Dots...... .. . Sun, Jun 25, 2006 @ 8:32 PM
Quote: fourstonesanything special you have going on? Like popup blocker, cookie washer, monkey script etc.??

nope - just running IE6/XPSP2, although I guess popup blocker is running - I’ll add the mixter to the domain list, just be be safe….. .. .
permalink   lo tag blanco Mon, Jul 3, 2006 @ 8:37 PM
i run into this problem a lot as well… same setup as above… search seems to be caps sensitive for me also, could that be the problem?

what’s a monkey script? can i have one?
permalink   victor Tue, Jul 4, 2006 @ 2:53 AM
Check out my response below.
permalink   Tue, Jul 4, 2006 @ 2:52 AM
I think I may know what this is:

You guys are hitting the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard and not using the mouse to click on the ‘search’ button. This would work for the first search but the form gets confused about which button (‘Accept’, ‘Search’ or ‘Submit Files’) you’re actually intending. (if true it’s our problem to fix, not yours)

Try using only the mouse to search for lots of artists and let me know if this “solves” the problem…

permalink   lo tag blanco Tue, Jul 4, 2006 @ 4:46 PM
that was in fact the problem

permalink   victor Tue, Jul 4, 2006 @ 6:29 PM
ok, I have the real fix and I’ll be refreshing the server soon.

thanks so much for your patience with this.
permalink   victor Thu, Jul 6, 2006 @ 6:49 PM
it was a bit of a challenge to get it to work the same on mac/win + ff/ie/safari but I think it’s good to go. lemme know otherwise