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whammy bar for bass guitar

permalink   Mon, Jun 17, 2024 @ 10:58 AM
Tight budget, no experience installing a tremolo bar.

Need advice: shop for a pre-installed bass whammy, or suck it up and learn how to install one myself?

Also considered spacing out the strings on a six-string guitar (w/whammy) so there’s just three. Any hope for that?

Admiral Bob
permalink   Fri, Aug 16, 2024 @ 4:43 AM
You mean putting something like a Bigsby on a bass? I do not think this is something that would work well, because the enormous tension of strings on a bass might be too much for it to structurally hold together for long.

You’d probably want to get a bass specifically designed for this like the Squier/Fender Bass VI, which uses a lighter gage of special strings that aren’t as demanding on the bridge. The Bass VI has a tremolo built into it, so you would not have to mod it either.
permalink   Apoxode Fri, Aug 16, 2024 @ 10:20 AM
Admiral Bob,

Thank you for response :)

Ah, that’s something I didn’t consider: the tension (especially with E and A).
I might get away with it with D and G, but heck, I could just keep using the regular guitar, lol.

A precursory glance at the bass you recommended has me figuratively drooling :)
That’s precisely what I’m looking for—I am utterly awestruck by the ingenuity of its design.
Different league concerning budget, but worth saving up for :)

Thanks again for your help!

Kind regards,