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Unable to submit video trackbacks

permalink   Thu, Jan 25, 2024 @ 9:57 AM
I’m a video editor who has used many CC Mixter tracks in a feature length CC video. I’d love to submit it as trackbacks so the artists know about it.

However, it gives this error every time:

There was an error reaching the page:
There was an error trying to validate the web address. Test it in your browser to make sure. (Gorey details…
Error: cURL could not retrieve the document, error 60.

The URL I was submitting does work, it’s at, but for some reason Mixter won’t let me submit it?
Kara Square
permalink   Wed, Jan 31, 2024 @ 10:17 AM
Thank you for doing this post, FediThing! These details were very helpful.

I brought up the trackback issue to our volunteer tech guru (mwic) yesterday and he did some magic. We did some successful testing and believe it is now working!

Please go ahead and try it again and then us know how it goes by replying to me here. Not only will this help us with testing, but it will expedite the trackbacks going live. (They’re manually approved, so I’ll go in and approve them.)
permalink   FediThing Fri, Feb 2, 2024 @ 4:46 PM
Thanks for the work on this! I’ve had another go and getting the same error?

I’m trying to add a link to the same video as before.

I wonder if it doesn’t like PeerTube links? Are you just testing with YouTube?
permalink   Kara Square Mon, Feb 5, 2024 @ 8:22 AM
I was able to recreate the error you’re getting and we’re looking into it again.

Yeah, I hadn’t thought to test with your PeerTube link before… doh!