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Musicly Challenged Seeks Help

permalink   Sat, Mar 11, 2006 @ 2:01 AM
Recently my passion for music has been sky-rocketing. I started listening to Fort Minor and received an e-mail from them about there contest so I stumbled upon this site. I want to start mixing music desperately but don’t know who to talk to about what materials I need. Can anyone help me out? What programs should I buy/download to mix strictly computer wise? Would anyone recomend a turntable? I’ve been looking at technics lately but don’t know the difference, and don’t know who to trust. And is there any online "Mixing for Dummies" kind of website that I can read and learn from? Thanks for anyone’s time who posts on this topic.
EJG (aka Laerlooper)
permalink   Sun, Mar 12, 2006 @ 3:25 AM
Quote: And is there any online "Mixing for Dummies" kind of website that I can read and learn from?
LOL that’s good! Well, you’ve found it. Or part of it at least! There are literally thousands of forums like this, each with its resident "experts". You just have to invest some time googling and reading…a great place to start though, is ‘s "Community" forums. Soundclick is good because it allows you to post your tracks under a Creative Commons license, and it has a massive user-base. Scouring their forums for tidbits of knowledge will give you plenty to start with. If you choose a software package to remix with, that company’s website will also offer a forum where users can help you learn the ropes. This, too, is a great resource since the advice will be specific to your software. The three programs I hear most commonly are FL (aka Fruityloops), Acid, and Ableton Live. As far as turntables go, the three big names are Technics, Stanton, and Numark. With this, remember that you might pay higher prices for "name brand" recognition. ;) Just remember one key thing about remixing: make sure you have permission! Since ccMixter is a community built around flexible licensing, it’s important not to overstep the bounds each artist here has generously placed upon their work. This goes for all other music and samples as well! Happy remixing….and don’t forget to post some stuff for US to remix too, once you get on your feet with your new software!