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Mastering for Streaming Audio

permalink   Sun, Feb 9, 2020 @ 8:22 PM
While the Are You Listening video series is an unabashed Izotope advertisement there is general education value as well.

Interesting episode on Mastering for Streaming Audio addresses the rationale for a -1.0 db ceiling.
permalink   Sun, Mar 8, 2020 @ 8:58 PM
Oh interesting video. Thanks for the information and the link.
permalink   Sat, May 9, 2020 @ 3:53 PM
Technically we are looking at a misinterpretation here

no bodies going to notice a volume difference of program material peaking between 0 and -.05 or even -0.1

the peaks arnt ‘loudness indicators’
they are just “PEAKS”

if you chop .5% off the top of a mountain its still a mountain

‘looudness’ = R.M.S
thats a VU meter

the volume knob on yr listners device
is what is going to be the real world ‘Loudness’

its a race to nowhere
that destroys ‘musical dynamics’

technical specifications are
-14 to - 16 db
anything with ANY ‘overs’

ZERO is not your friend
hes a Pusherman!
permalink   texasradiofish Sat, May 9, 2020 @ 10:23 PM
The Ad Man’s tutorial didn’t motivate me to think about what anybody would notice listening to a producers unadulterated audio product. It got me thinking about what happens to audio processed and reprocessed after the ccMixter is done. Examples, media players and web site audio streaming processes seem to yield uneven and unexpected results.

Don’t recall loudness being well addressed in the Ad Man’s db spiel. Sounded like the Ad Man has a separate tutorial on loudness promoting Izotope’s Insight 2 product.

We use that loudness monitoring product (free with Ozone) and seek to keep moderate energy audio around Integrated -14 LUFS range with loud sections about -10 to -7 LUFS.

Aaron Mullan has a friendly one page loudness metering primer called “A Practical Guide to Loudness Metering for the Recording Studio” in Tape Op #131 magazine, June-Jule 2019.

We are set it and forget it guys. We mixed down at -0.3 db for decades and a -1.0 db regime seem to keep us in a better place considering ubiquitous post production processing and reprocessing of one’s rendered audio products.

The assisted mix capability introduced into Izotope Ozone defaults to -1.0 db output. We happy with that thus far.

Ultimately, we are old analog band guys. We still listen to final mixes using an external db meter. ‘;0)

Being a very old barroom band guy who played on stages for over 50 years, my ears are shot. Visual loudness monitoring is my new friend.

Gosh Darn the Pusherman! Great song.

Are the loudness wars really over? ‘;0)
permalink   BeatMachine Sun, May 10, 2020 @ 6:24 PM
we were just expressing an “opinion” sir
thank you for your prompt respose
and relevant points

media players and web site audio streaming processes directly yield uneven and unexpected results.this is a developers “hell on earth”scenario.

theres nothing to say about digital sir
its “always” developing ‘artifacts”

analogue has its drawbacks
but theres nothing in a tape machine manual
about “accidently creating a square wave when you press record”

over hear were still ‘vu’ I havent “adapted to lufs”
reaper is peak/average - which i dont find usful because meters are ‘weighed’ so you “have to “adapt to them”

loudness wars

iz listening to
its clear as day and my headphones are at 10%

usual y-tub listening is at 45%

thank you for your consideration we are greatly valuing your experience and artistic body of work. I have had EXCELLENT results with drum tracks and other goodies you have provided
permalink   texasradiofish Sun, May 10, 2020 @ 8:57 PM
“There’s nothing in a tape machine manual about accidentally creating a square wave when you press record” is great line, BeatMachine.

Will try to use it.

permalink   BeatMachine Fri, May 15, 2020 @ 2:47 AM
its a pleasure, sir
i do appreciate you
im doing sum post/modern blues
may i have sum more drum tracks plz