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Mixters in the Movies!

permalink   Thu, Mar 9, 2006 @ 10:03 AM
Hi everyone:

I give here a "shout out" to the new short film "Sober", a 7 minute "you can watch it free on the internet satiric film. It’s a good watch.

You can see it at:

just click on the hyper-link for "Sober" there.

One reason it’s so enjoyable is that its soundtrack is comprised entirely of stuff from ccmixter.
It’s a cinemixter experience.

Here’s the track list:

hobo’s son by Ashwan
troposphere by ben shewmaker
quant la doulce jouvencelle by asteria
everything’s just fine, thanks by flatwound
adaptor by adaptor
samba-traira remix by zero_bixxxto
snow geese at hagerman wildlife preserve by gurdonark
bokuno grapefruit by oguradio
musique d’ascenseur by if
america central by paulo sacramento
photo theme: yellow flowers by antony raijekov

Thanks to the directors of "Sober" for making the music mixter.