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adding NC to a remix

permalink   Sat, Mar 4, 2006 @ 10:53 AM

I have a new remix for which I’ve got permission to use an outside sample. I want to ensure that I license it NC, though, as the sample is someone else’s. The mixter sample I’m using is merely attribution.

I tried the workaround of uploading the piece as an NC sample, but then the "I Sampled this" button did not come on.

Is there a way for me to post a remix as NC, even though the mixter sources are all BY only? I never care that much about NC’ing my own work, but I do want to respect the work of the non-mixter artist who gave me permission through use of NC to keep his protection intact.

p.s. I solved it for my most recent upload by just mixing in an NC piece, but there must be another way :).