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Silly but related to CCMixter and us

permalink   Tue, Nov 18, 2014 @ 4:05 AM

Relates to our blogs and comedy stuff this one.

Stellar Art Wars DAW is an 11 year old off the shelf Dell Dimension. A.Dell

Stock Aitken Waterman called their “drummer” A.Linn after the Linn Drum Machine

A.Dell and our singer/lyricist Ronnie W has been savaged by a virus and Ron put under virtual house arrest (see Krush, House Arrest) .

A.Dell was totally unplugged (MTV etc) at the time whilst we cleaned malware off a mate’s Windows PC.

Seriously on plugging the monitor back into the Linux-based Dell via VGA it died straight away.

Coincidence, but shit like this has happened before.

Take care, the W&W team and all at Absolutely Multimedia Ltd, Essex, England. Love Andrew and Katy W

The monitor concerned was a RAPCOM device, no apparent bent pins etc, just total loss of power.

It’s a bummer when that happens as we need a bigger monitor to use our DAW software (Ardour as in open source pro-tools etc)

So the famous Adele ignoring Sir Bob’s Band Aid Record plea might be because she’s had her phone cut off by some nasty people we are up against in music!