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Post a mix using NIN open samples

Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Mon, Nov 14, 2005 @ 7:03 PM
As long as a guy lists it as ‘Some Rights Reserved’ can we post remixes of the Nine Inch Nails songs that have been released for remixing? (can tracks be uploaded with some rights reserved anymore??)

My page here is sorta my home page for songs I’ve made, and it would suck to have to move everything to another site just to upload one more track. But I really want to upload it.

You can get details about the NIN remix gig here. At the very least, people could broaden their horizons and have a go at using Trent’s work, he’s quite the guy, and it’s basically unbelievable that he did this with two songs.

With any luck, this is the future of music. I would gladly pay $20 or even $30 for a CD by an artist if it came unmixed and ready to use. Of course, I would expect the artists to add their own mixed versions to the disc, preferably in DVD format - or better yet a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray Disc.

Please advise on the upload situation.
permalink   Mon, Nov 14, 2005 @ 7:53 PM
I followed that link but I don’t see where the band specifies at all what is allowed and what isn’t. I’m not a lawyer but I would think you need permission from the band to re-license it under a CC license (something that happens automatically when you upload here).

I’m betting they don’t have a problem with it, but just in case why don’t you shoot them an email with a pointer here and ask…?

The problem is that if something goes wrong (like the label comes after the site) it’s whoever is hosting your files (i.e. Creative Commons) that gets it in the neck… no you.

Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Tue, Nov 15, 2005 @ 3:33 AM
There’s no way to contact anyone at The Downward Spiral without buying a membership. With all the fansites that are posting mixes, I can’t believe it would be any kind of problem, especially if it was put up with the ‘Some Rights Reserved’ option (where is that again??).

But if this site isn’t comfortable, that’s cool.. I’ll get off my butt and get cracking on my own site on a private server.

permalink   Tue, Nov 15, 2005 @ 5:27 AM
um, wait — you’re saying they give away their music but they charge money for their email address? I don’t speak for the site but that’s not uncomfortable, that’s just weird and just doesn’t sound right.

Meanwhile, if you could dig up where you saw ‘some rights reserved’ on their site that would be HUGE and a great benefit to the mixter community.

Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Tue, Nov 15, 2005 @ 10:21 AM
Umm… I think I did a poor job of explaining what I meant, thats not at all what I was saying…

The remix contest is attached to the official NIN fansite, which requires you to be a member of in order to post questions to their forums or get any sort of feedback.

And the ‘Some Rights Reserved’ I’m talking about is from this site, v 1.0, from about 9 or 10 months ago. There used to be a way to upload songs here with a label that indicated that the work couldn’t be used commercially without permission… that would seem to meet any requirements Trent has, I mean he freely distributed his work on the net for anybody to download in multiple formats, how much more explicit does he need to be?

That being said, I would never put this site (or its excellent admin/s) at any risk… so I’ll refrain from uploading it. Its not that big a panic :/
Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Tue, Nov 15, 2005 @ 10:46 AM
Having already been through all this Victor, I’m surprised you didn’t just direct my attention to the previous thread: NIN ONLY remix upload? from July of this year.

I guess we can consider the case closed. :/
permalink   Tue, Nov 15, 2005 @ 12:31 PM
Quote: Having already been through all this Victor, I’m surprised you didn’t just direct my attention to the previous thread:

Well you never mentioned Acid Planet, they have their OWN set of rules regarding their contests and they are very clear about that (as evidenced by that thread).

if the people that own the NIN music or any piece of it want to come after you, they will. Ask Danger Mouse or Jay-Z. That’s how explicit they have to be. I’m not a lawyer and I didn’t make up these rules but exactly this kind of silliness that made me want to work with CC.

if you can find ANY indication (and point to it) that its ok with NIN/reznor to post on a site the relicenses their work (even for non-commercial purposes) then I can take that to the Creative Commons lawyers. Barring that, yea, the matter may well be closed.

and yes, you post here either allowing (‘Attribution’) or dis-allowing commercial usage (‘Attributin-NonCommercial’) assuming you have the rights to do that.

gotta fly…