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About the "All Time Hot List" and etc.

permalink   Tue, Jun 14, 2011 @ 4:00 AM
This list is in the Pick’s tab. In it appears the mixes with the higher number of recommends and appearances in playlists.

In the last years this list hasn’t change. A person that come to ccMixter always see the same ten mixes of the list and hasn`t the option of know which are the mixes behind.

Some time ago, before the creation of digccmixter, there was a tab in the remixes tab with a search option that allowed to know the most recommended mixes in a period of time selected by the user (this search option also worked with tags).

What I propose is to make a “more…” link in the “All time hot list” that would show the complete list. Also I propose to create other list with the most recommended tracks in the last 6 or 12 months or to recover the search option i mentioned.

The goal is to give a chance to many excellent tracks that aren`t in the ed. picks and aren`t in the “What’s Hot Right Now” list and make ccM more useful for the visitor.

BTW, I would make a restyling to the page.

Thank you.
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permalink   Sat, Oct 1, 2011 @ 12:01 AM
A self fulfilling prophecy - no wonder these tracks have the most hits, when they are the first that people see on the site !!
I was very grateful to discover the ‘secret mixter’ list.
I have made my own list of favourites and made mash up clips for them under the banner BEDPANNER on youtube.
permalink   Thu, Dec 8, 2011 @ 12:13 AM
Any answer from admin?
permalink   Thu, Dec 8, 2011 @ 5:05 AM
I’ve been curious about this topic, too.

As ccMixter uses ccHost I read through the ccHost documentation and found a really powerfull tool: the Query API.

The Query API is how you get data from a ccHost site installation and can be called via URL.


This will show all uploads from 3 weeks ago sorted by the number of recommendations.

This lists all uploads sorted by the number of playlists they are included in.

This will show all uploads including the tag “orchestral” that haven’t been remixed yet.

Pretty cool

Maybe there can be done a link list or anything similar that contains a collection of some usefull combinations of queries.
permalink   Abstract Audio Fri, Dec 9, 2011 @ 8:17 AM
Cool idea… but so much text to work through (or am I being lazy now?)
permalink   phasenwandler Fri, Dec 9, 2011 @ 1:08 PM
Indeed a lot to read. That’s the reverse of the medal ;-)

But once figured out how it works, it’s not that difficult.