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New guy here!

permalink   Mon, May 2, 2011 @ 1:10 PM
Hi people,

Just wanted to stop in, see how everyone’s doin’ and virtually wave to all of you. *wave* Anyway, I’m new here and uh.. well.. I should mention that I rarely feel compelled to register to any website ever, free or otherwise. It’s rarer still that I feel the need to not only post in the forums but make one of those “Hi I’m new, what’s goin’ on in here?!” posts. I’m always of the opinion that nobody cares lol. But when I came across this site a few months ago I was completely blown away by the a cappella section. I’ve been on here for so long now listening to all sorts of singing and mixes, eventually deciding to try my own.

I’ve been writing music for a long time for personal pleasure, only in the last few years though has computer tech developed enough to be able to literally have orchestras at your disposal. It’s always just been me and my crappy 6 string. Singing has likewise always been a complex addition so most of my music had always been instrumentals. So it was with great pleasure that I came across ccmixter through google searches of sites with decent a cappellas. I guess my bottom line is, I’ve been doing so much mixing with all of the superb singing here, that I feel almost like I’ve been in intense creative collaboration with many of you without ever having met or spoke, it’s a very strange feeling. I suddenly felt I should register and make myself known instead of hiding like some imp. Maybe put up some mixes I’ve made.

You are all so exceptionally talented and have triggered within me a burst of creativity that hasn’t ended in months.
permalink   Mon, May 2, 2011 @ 2:02 PM
Welcome to ccMixter Nethis! It’s great to hear that our community has fostered a long burst of creativity for you — that’s a big part of what ccMixter is about. I look forward to hearing what you have to offer. I am sure you will find ccMixter is a great place to be challenged artistically, to be supported in your creative endeavors, to continue to find inspiration, and to share your music.