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Request for a short 30 Sec. Radio Ad

permalink   Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 6:14 PM
This is my first post here, sorry if it is in the wrong place!

A Friend and i run a very small radio show with a broadcasting licence limiting us to 3 miles. Sad! We dont have alot of listeners yet but we would like to have a show opener type thing.

You can find our freewebs here.

What i would like to be convayed here in the message is, the name of the show, Stagg Twilight Radio; our Station, 88.9 FM; and some sort of noize that makes it sound cool!

Any style of music, any tone, techno-yes and whatever your ears believe to be a good sounding short opener!

PS: Our show is a non-for-profit based, and currenty sponcered through our local high school.

A Speedy reply would be great, and i LOOK FOWARD to seeing what creative minds could make for this open ended idea!