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Advertizing or not?

permalink   Thu, Jul 7, 2005 @ 5:55 AM
A friend of mine is involved in a radio project and invited me to create jingles and muzak for her show. I would like to use some sampling-licensed songs in those. I just wonder if its OK.

The jingles and background loops I’ll create are non-commercial and highly reformative, so no problem even with the nc-sampling+ license. The show itself is an educational project, and the radio station is available for a restricted group only (students of the school). The show contains no commercials, and the students creating the show are not making any profit with it, nor does the school. The show contains music that cannot be released under any CC license, hence the show cannot be published under a CC license.

The problem is, that the jingles will be played on the same station in other shows, advertising the program I’ll make the jingles for. I think the show itself can be seen as a collaborative collase, so the jingles would be advertizing the work itself, which is allowed.

Am I just paranoid or in trouble if I use sampling licensed stuff there?