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Attn. My Blogging Peeps and Other Web Geeks

permalink   Tue, Jul 1, 2008 @ 6:43 PM
The 2.0 release of the ccHost Query API is about done and ready for testing.

If you’re into geeky web stuff it’s cool so let me know and I’ll point you at a site that setup for testing.

To be honest there’s not a lot of new features that you haven’t seen here on ccM since March but I’ve made it much more robust and (hopefully) more blow-up-proof.

Barring any huge disruptions in the way we do things around here *cough* we’re going to seriously step up the effort to get our music out there. (So far we’ve done pretty well considering we haven’t put a shred of effort into publicizing the site or the music.) Having a strong, robust and useful Query API will give us a technical foundation to build the (pardon me) social features that help get the word out.

So, if you have a blog or otherwise generally like to try to break stuff let me know.
