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Community, variety, and gratitude

permalink   Thu, Apr 10, 2008 @ 5:38 PM
I just wanted to mention how much I appreciate the ability for people here to have their various strengths recognized, and whatever weaknesses gently pointed out- whatever the original level of experience, or technological sophistication. Whatever style or genre someone shows a genuine flair or talent for, no matter if they are are a raw beginner, there’s almost always someone more experienced on the site that’s willing to say “Hey, I see where you might be trying to go with this- ‘this’ and ‘that’ are really nice, but ‘the other’ needs a little work. Maybe you could think about trying (fill in the blank).”
This is so refreshing to me, in an anonymous global environment, where too often the attitudinal norm is “That sucks. GTFO”, etc. We all like different stuff to one degree or another, and music is something that people in general can be very passionate or particular about. For the most part, the people that stick around here don’t let their personal prejudices get in the way of exploring and encouraging a fresh take on an original vision. So- thanks to all my fellow remixers for keeping the egos low, the creativity high, and making this a place where veterans and amateurs alike can mutually bring something new to the table. Hooray us!
DJ Rkod
permalink   Thu, Apr 10, 2008 @ 6:27 PM
That sucks. GTFO.

permalink   duckett Thu, Apr 10, 2008 @ 10:22 PM
(shaking head, laughing)
…Just for that, here’s this!
…and you thought my “April Fool’s Pluggy Plug” was bad. Enjoy!
permalink   John Pazdan Fri, Apr 11, 2008 @ 7:11 AM
Quote: duckett(shaking head, laughing)
…Just for that, here’s this!
…and you thought my “April Fool’s Pluggy Plug” was bad. Enjoy!

My old roommate played the piano on that…pretty cool piano part at that..

fuck..AM I OLD

but not too old to totally agree with you about your real sentiment D.

oh yeah, and you know..what the dj said.
permalink   duckett Fri, Apr 11, 2008 @ 7:19 AM
LOL It took 30 years for that tune to get unstuck from my head, then someone pointed me to it- “Hey, remember this?” Arrrrgh, now I’ll have to use a power drill to get it out- make it stop, MAKE IT STOP! Hit it, Hal… Rzzzzzsplurch… thud.
permalink   John Pazdan Fri, Apr 11, 2008 @ 7:23 AM
Quote: duckettLOL It took 30 years for that tune to get unstuck from my head, then someone pointed me to it- “Hey, remember this?” Arrrrgh, now I’ll have to use a power drill to get it out- make it stop, MAKE IT STOP! Hit it, Hal… Rzzzzzsplurch… thud.

yea? well my old roommate also did work on the Fame soundtrack…… D?…FAME! I wanna Live Forever!!..

where’s the power drill when you need it…it’s going to be a long day..
permalink   teru Fri, Apr 11, 2008 @ 11:00 AM
Hot Lunch anyone? ;)
permalink   John Pazdan Fri, Apr 11, 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Quote: teruHot Lunch anyone? ;)

thanks teru..thanks duckett

I will have to find something special for the boat O’ youse.
permalink   Wed, Apr 23, 2008 @ 6:29 PM
In response to Duckett’s comment and for anyone generally out there listening. I’d like to second this motion. He put it well enough. I know I like attention and will accept criticism, though not always wonderfully, I know it is a necessary component of growth. I also know that all music isn’t going to find an audience here, but what you say Duckett is very apropos to my situation and probably that of others. I’m really not into dance music all that much, which seems to be a large part of remixing. That said, I get beats in my head all day long. My students sometimes think I’m funny that way, “man Mr. J, you always doing that.” So I like to make beats, but putting them into a step sequencer , etc, isn’t always what I’d like it to be. I’d actually like to get an electronic drum kit and learn to play a bit so I could lay out things a bit more organically and with that natural groove. Either way, I listen to things here I wouldn’t normally catch and that is great for my music and life in general. The site has also, albeit just for a couple of mixes, given me a proving ground for beginning work with sound painting, similar to how I work with oil and canvas. Thanks CC and especially the CC community!! Sobsob. Now GTFO!!!
permalink   Fri, May 2, 2008 @ 10:40 AM
Man, that’s the truth! Thanks to everybody for making this such a welcoming environment!
permalink   Fri, May 2, 2008 @ 8:27 PM
I think you’re right, duckett—I like that here there are varying people with varying preferences, skills and frame of reference, and yet the give and take of the process works very well.
permalink   duckett Fri, May 2, 2008 @ 8:39 PM
Of course everyone has their individual preferences; but I have seen several instances where people have strayed beyond their comfort zone, and found the trip worthwhile. I know I’ve certainly learned quite a bit since I’ve been here… not the least of which has been, how much more there is to learn!