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What's up with them squiggley letters and numbers?

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Thu, Nov 8, 2007 @ 12:50 PM
You know the ones I mean, don’t ya? Just look down below this box I’m typin in. Oh yeah, ya cain’t, can ya? OK, purtend you was postin a new topic like I’m doin now. Are ya purtendin? Good. What’s yors on? Mines on them little squiggley numbers and letters that ya got to decipher just to send a dang message or post to this here forum thang and you know what, they ain’t that easy for some folks…well, me fer instance, to figger out. And what happens ifn I get it wrong? Does my message disappear? Do I get an electric shock or somethin? Is it like gettin a “D” on yor dang report card? I tell ya right now, junior, that’s just too much pressure. And for what? How come I got to pass a security clearance just to post a dang topic or email somebody? Couldn’t I just show ya my driver’s license or somethin? I’m almost afraid to stop typin now as I’ll have to start retypin them little squiggley sumbitches but I guess I ain’t got no choice. So here goes. Wish me luck, will ya?
permalink   Thu, Nov 8, 2007 @ 3:29 PM
The idea being to keep these forums, my inbox and that of every other artist registered here free from the nugatory cacographic spam that would otherwise choke these venues.

At least, that’s the idea.

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Thu, Nov 8, 2007 @ 4:01 PM
Hey, great idea there fourstones, ol pal. I shoulda knowed it was for a good reason as the rest a this here site thang looks so well run an all. But thanks for explanin it to me anyways. I really do have trouble decipherin them “d”s and them “o”s tho. Guess that there’s my nevermind. Don’t know about yor neck a the woods but where I come from callin yorself “fourstones” is purty tall talkin…not that it wouldn’t make ya popular with some of the gals around here or nothin. Hope they, and you, are hangin OK, ol pal and I look forward to bein an appropriately behaved member of yor establishment. Most a the fellers from over at the RealWorld can vouch for me. Honest.
permalink   Thu, Nov 8, 2007 @ 5:03 PM
re: ‘fourstones’

it was that or shagaslot, referring to the deep plush of my rug.

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Thu, Nov 8, 2007 @ 7:26 PM
Wail, that there “Mary Kate shag” looks promisin. Although I don’t thank I could afford it.