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Question to Creative Commons

permalink   Tue, May 3, 2005 @ 7:37 AM
I just joind your site yesterday and I like it very much. My question is lets say I make a track using no samples(all original work) and post it on your site. Once the track is posted its under the Creative Commons license, does this mean CC owns the track now? Ex - If by some rare chance a legit label comes across a track and wants to purchase it, who gets the profits, CC or the artist? Im sure this question might have been asked a million times, if so I apologize for it.
permalink   Tue, May 3, 2005 @ 10:08 AM
I’m not a lawyer so I asked one, this is what she said:

"When you post a track to CC Mixter and license it under a CC license, you continue to own it. CC licenses do not affect who owns the rights in a track. What our CC licenses do is give you a standard license that enables you to more flexibly licensing your work so that others can sample it. So if a label picks up your track, you definitely get all of the profits. CC is a nonprofit that provides free legal and technical toolkits to help creators get their works out there more flexibly - we definitely do not make money of your works!! "

to which I add: Of course this is assuming you don’t sign your masters and song rights away to the label.

Make sense?

permalink   Wed, May 4, 2005 @ 9:50 AM
Thanks, I appriciate it.

So once a track is submitted to CC its open to only members of ccmixter to sample or open to anyone to use outside of CC?
permalink   Wed, May 4, 2005 @ 9:54 AM

You should read:
