Secret Mixter + Listening Party

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Viewing 144 - 156 of 504 matches total
...) and live out the true meaning of its creed (and live out our meaning) we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are
...ow know all that is true everything is an illusion created by your mind and if you cant see it try to watch the time direction of
...ars ago. yes that's true. that was the start of all creation. we call it the cosmic calendar. oh it was the ‘beginning of timeâ
...p and live out the true meaning of its creed: "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." i have
...sed to be spoken as true. for if absolute power corrupts absolutely its inheritance hardens the grip of the few. now it isn't the that's just not true there is more to being you yes it's hell to fall this deep it's a nightmare that's true but you can wak
true self verse 1: there was a time when i wanted to look strong traainto defeat all i was daking of the world as i grew older it star...
...e facts are misconstrued blame is thrown around living in this… dissent is demonized protest deemphasized outrage denied
...eard be strong, be true to your word lift, pass the darkness of this wall rise up and cast off the pall lift pass the darkness that hey, it's true! what are you laughing at? because i'm more than just a set of likes because i won't get caught up
...ey say when love is true, it’s blind; i’d like to think it’s so. but since you've left me far behind i’m really not so su
...ow apart. with my loyalty and passion i could never reconcile, that you'd never asked to own me, just to love me for a while.
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