Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

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Viewing 36 - 48 of 52 matches total
...ectronic noise is a journey to find my meaning of music.
doymarn doymarn creative journeys
...d to carry you on a journey though the melodic soundscapes of his ever active spirit. the rush of light drum&bass mixed with the pur
...ce, i embarked on a journey to make-my-own-music by overlaying sound clips and experimenting with various sequencers. i did contribu
...inued on my musical journey as grapes. [b]if you use my songs please credit me with a link to my youtube page which is
...e sky such as "on a journey", plutonic, deja vu, u know my steeze (released under the moniker "blunderground massive") and the new y
...sical cd "silk road journeys: beyond the horizon", and with the andalucian dogs on the deutsche grammophon cd "ayre", featuring the every song has a journey / story behind it, the sounds just like images to the ears.
ronnie ronnie marler journey to the stars rock and roll guitars
wbnyc william brown creative investigations and sonic scupltures improvised sound journeys and stories passion, delight and mystery
happyjourneygateway happyjourneygateway i'd like to rock someday
rustyneadle journeyman
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