Remix Great Stems at MixterPlus

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Viewing 48 - 55 of 55 matches total time, setting up equipment and more. here's how it works: you send me a rough mix of your song(s) in wav or mp3 format and i w
jim jimmi individually composed and recorded a few songs while learning (wrestling with) daw equipment in 2005..
...tually sign up. equipment and software advice is always welcome. i'd like to start mixing as a hobby. so far, i just listen *a l
...ot from technologic equipment. it is the toning desynthesizing, electronic sound not coming from midi way
rochesolos rochesolos sometimes it takes an entire room full of music equipment and records to create a song, sometimes all it takes is a...
...s more of a test of equipment and ability to see if it was a valid idea. junko and matthew agreed it was, and decided to form a grou
...rded on much better equipment than what i was using a couple years ago.
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