Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!

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Viewing 24 - 36 of 68 matches total
review of 'lament of the irish immigrant' by 'panu' excellent storytelling & sound that pulls you to the center of it. . . [up][/up][up][/up][up]...
review of 'drowning in the cuervo river' by 'snowflake' panu was one of the first artists that captured me in my earliest dabbling into ccmixter (oh t...
review of 'the stroller' by 'scomber' great storytelling [up][/up]
review of 'high quality cats melt 7 + stems/remix' by 'speck' nice one. has a storytelling feel to it, and a high cool factor. the male vocals are so ...
review of 'smile (redux)' by 'ciggiburns' very moving and beautiful storytelling by you and p. i was going to write that her piece could be titled 'le...
review of 'spring break at the beach with a kimono' by 'ciggiburns' a one hundred percent tour de force! what a brilliant mix and example of storytell...
review of 'leo (headless in the sun)' by 'scomber' dig the piano. everything frames & fits saw's great storytelling. nice!
review of 'fading things (ft. admiralbob)' by 'rey izain' i really like feel of a church organ in this...and it has a lovely soundtrack feel as oppose...
review of 'a forest' by 'rey_izain' hit me more like a great oasis than a forest at first but then the lush greenery somehow kicked in with the wonder...
review of 'the haunted hotel' by 'donnie ozone' the music you conjured up from coruscate's mixography is solid. i love the casual storytelling vibe to...
review of 'the haunted hotel' by 'thedice' headnodding track, really cool mixing sackjo22. sounds evil! it's like a storytelling (indeed it is, since ...
review of 'not' by 'texasradiofish' very listenable storytelling mix, meith
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