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... out meaning in the cracks of your voice, i walk through, never behind. magic is not good or evil, it simply is... a tool like
trio supplication of the soul i was thrilled to be paired with porchcat as my secret mixter assignment. he has consistently been "out-of-the-box", a m...
...] the grains and cracks of grey beneath my feet were smooth and dark the day they were laid down the tan lines and white flakes
...ll, and a whip that cracks. ho, ho, ho! who wouldn’t go. ho, ho, ho! who wouldn’t go! up on the housetop, click, click, cli
... i know feel them cracks in pavement underground they bleed with california sound nothing lasts forever we all know hope s
... i know feel them cracks in pavement underground they bleed with california sound nothing lasts forever we all know hope s
still digging cracks in the sun bleached vinyl chair the grass so high, you barely see it there the years in this garden now overrun m...
the heart of a star (confected ramblings) we are hunters and collectors... so, lucky for us we didn't deleted the already cut samples from "crack the ...
song of shabbat bluemillenium is a robust contributor to ccmixter with a vast and eclectic library of remixes and samples. i had started in an entire...
kindling (ft. gurdonark) kindling for some reason douglas fir is named ‘oregon’ in australia. the poem which grew out of ideas i had while c...
oregon/ kindling(vocal pell) oregon. for some reason douglas fir is named ‘oregon’ in australia. the poem which grew out of a ideas i had whi...
...(diving through new cracks) 2:58 *sowing seeds* 2:55 (on dwarf planet ceres) 3:00 (its icy soil it sacks) 3:06 do you dare
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