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Viewing 0 - 12 of 23 matches total
review of 'secret sound pack' by 'coruscate' [b][i][u]cracks knuckles in beat maker[/u][/i][/b] [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
... and that bunny pic cracks me up. thanks for the include!
review of 'dragonfly' by 'snowflake' this is especially brilliant susan! lyrically, rhythmically, structurally, and emotionally. haskel's guitars lead...
review of 'enchanted ft. rewob' by 'siobhan dakay' cool you made the rewob here. tripping cool as usual. cracks in stereo. i pretty m...
review of 'amnesiac's haunted morning' by 'apoxode' frosty dub that cracks the ice and emerges into the cold sunlight above. thank you...
review of 'as it fades' by 'speck' i like this very much. structurally sound without sacrificing creativity.
...zle and the plumber cracks" would also be a cool bandname... :d
review of 'we give, we get' by 'kara square' excellent. what cracks me up is that i wrote this to your instrumental track and i think th...
...ger. there are some cracks in the mix ...
review of 'really sorry' by 'mind map that!' this is awesome, deb. cracks me up... well produced! very cool...
review of 'where do we dream' by 'spinmeister' brilliant! - your picture cracks me up every time -- seems rather contrasting to the music...
review of 'winter sunlight' by 'airtone' great instrumentation and production as usual from you, i think structurally it could do with a middle eight ...
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