
Search Results

Viewing 0 - 12 of 12 matches total
review of 'age of ai is now!' by 'speck' you've been well inspired lately, making some great stuff. but i see you've done three uploads in one day. o...
review of 'outcast' by 'speck' why don't you upload your original mixes as a sample (mp3 preview with stems/samples attached) instead of gaming the sy...
review of 'cassie o' by 'apoxode' 8 bit vgm fun! this takes me back to the nes days of gaming, i can visualize the little sprites running about :) lov...
review of 'enchanted ft. rewob' by 'siobhan dakay' cool you made the rewob here. tripping cool as usual. cracks in stereo. i pretty much adore you...
review of 'beat me' by 'coruscate' this would be pretty good action / gaming music 8^)
review of 'the missing river' by 'mando_curious' [up][/up] good tempo & balance. strong overtones of gaming, dubfolk, or maybe celtgrunge. either ...
review of 'the strangeness of usual world' by 'vickydan' again, a clever blend of rhythms .... and the gaming stereo incredible. bravo![up][/up]
review of '' by 'pt_music' at the beginning there's nothing and after seconds you filling up the emptiness with little cristal clear sounds lik...
review of 'meet me at the market square' by 'cuajito ben' this is good. gaming, huh? i can hear this as background music for a late night session of...
review of 'cool music voiceovers 6/18/09 part 3' by 'joshua hults' the podcast is awesome, i listen to it when i'm hardcore gaming or chatting. you h...
review of 'tejidos blandos' by 'fourstones' these are just not real remixes in the spirit of the site, if feels like you're gaming the site by taking ...
shockshadow review of "still people" man, you really have skillz when it comes to midi arrangement....seriously. i could never grasp notation, no ma...