Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

Search Results

Viewing 0 - 12 of 190 matches total
...o start? ah, i ask people who've made the journey and see what worked for them. and that's how we came here. so thanks in advance
... of date, at the texts to "nina" and "upon woman's love" are public domain, but
.../]pablo perez[/url], and despite using four different samples the music has a sound of its own,
... album with as many people as i can, put it all together in my music software and produce the best album ever (or maybe just the clo
using manual tags in address using /sample after a user's name (such as [url=]http://ccmix...
...entioning that most people want dry vocals, with no effects. 2 - a better rating system, which is integrated with searching, so p
...nce ? i don't want people to make money out of my remix. (sorry if noob question i'm french)
...n a classic player, people could "see" collaborations growing between artists etc ...
.../]here[/url]. --------- and now some final words: i know nobody asked for this com
.../]here[/url]. coming up: last volume in the series (finally! :p) -- techno and trance.
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