Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 864 - 876 of 1084 matches total
...: embedded cc's web player somehow distorts a bass, check 'download' for original sounding sample,media,bpm_085_090,trackback,in_web
acoustic1 simple ballad form on acoustic guitar. an old recording from tape done in 1994 transfered to digital. sound is not so great, bu...
ballistic affairs media,remix,bpm_140_145,dubstep,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr
here for you (vocals only) this is my song, here for you. it was written by me (george lester) and intended to be a ballad. i have record...
the savvy & the chic epitome no.1 (acapella) high-pitched, space age, cd player robot created as intro to upcoming mix of the savvy & the...
ballistic affairs media,remix,bpm_090_095,hip_hop,insects,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr is a doom metal ballad... i think. anyway, enjoy! it's definately unique;) mixed at 140 bpm but most the song is slower and ebbs the sting of his ball and its secret. red ryder muzzle safety on, poised skyward, to protect an imaginary people against the s
...up a big red rubber ball. there is a message written on it for all the world to see. it is thus addressed: property of the allen
walk with you a simple approach to zoe bees wonderful pella media,remix,bpm_080_085,ballad,chill,female_vocals,instrumental,piano,non_com...
... for this one, in a ballad about mermaids and the sea, i felt it was appropriate to use some guitar licks played by an [url=http://e like a hot air balloon, both hands at my throat. everything depends on my shoulders and claws; how i press myself forwa
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