Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 72 - 84 of 108 matches total
luismond luis mondragon luis mondragon is a mexican producer based out of valencia, spain. as a teenage he played drums with rock and punk bands. on a...
xstructure the x-structure the x-structure was formed in the dark winter months of 2008 when the air was icy cold and no one dared venture out late at...
mdcervantes aphonic oracle [blue]malaki[/blue] is simply a messenger, but most often times misunderstood. it's probably because people generally seek ...
reveling_john revlin " the shaman provides the sick with a language by means of which unexpressed and otherwise inexpressible psychic...
tiamat tiamat being scatterbrained and add, i have never had the patience to compose entire pieces. whenever i listen to other peoples music, in my he...
chubbychasers chubbychasers real plus size rap: before they were the chubby chasers, they were chubby chasers. kid creation, d-form, and drunk c we...
joel_the_expresser joel_the_expresser
nobuo3000 jhovanny fontanez making music is more than just a hobby for me at this point. its become a form of expressing my inner emotions. i have sti...
alej alej i'm a "multifunctional" guy who lives in bogota, colombia. i had three projects, one as solo artist, second one with 'express 727', and the ...
nikotelurc niko te lurc i am producing electronic music by experimenting with sounds which results gradually in whole tracks. music is a great passion...
twinpeetz twinpeetz going to my first "real" discotheque in holland at 14 (allowed 16). started buying and composing almost exclusivly more electronic...
504pro tears of technology tears of technology is an edm musician/producer. inspired by such artists as ford, infiniti, kyper, robert miles, and tony ...
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