Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 504 - 516 of 660 matches total
...sackjo22 and myvanillaworld. used [i]realization[/i] and [i]goblet bell[/i] (reversed) samples from "winter lights". used intro]myvanillaworld's rendition[/url]. much, much better vocals. here are the lyrics (adapted from t
howarewetoknow-verse1 how are we to know-dolawhite verse acappella,media,bpm_110_115,christian,faith,god,hip_hop,non_commercial,audio,mp3...
...first remix on this website. [b][u]lyrics[/u][/b] persephone he held the lantern whispered my name swallowed the butterfl there used to be lawn "its progress" so they say; they got a pocket full of beans for a million in-betweens and a newspaper
...f summer. in it are lawn hoses with wet, metallic threads at their ends; grass clippings, sheared by oily blades; unshod feet, with
...eek. it has a few flaws, but i didn't have too much time to spend on it. i may revisit it later. hope you enjoy. :) media,remix,
...y to your mother in laws'; you decide. scomber 2009 x ,snowflake_holiday,media,remix,bpm_085_090,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,ste
...d butterfly or jude law. [b]moth to the flame[/b] the lightest touch upon your skin your baby blues they draw me in so close
...n my shoulders and claws; how i press myself forward through the crowd, grasping at the words of my next phrase. acappella,m would grow tiny claws, evening would erase me, she'd call my name once or twice, then give it up.
have a good trip i wrote this short little farewell ditty for my sister and brother-in-law as they head out on a long road trip. it's no...
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