Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 49740 - 49752 of 50109 matches total
rain (radio edit) ostrowski feat. kora media,original,buzzer2,distortion,dnb,electronic,jungle,loops,softsynth,synthesizer,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44...
lachrymae lachrymae is latin for tears. the main improvisation was performed on the akai ewi wind synthesizer. media,original,bpm_100_105,electronic,...
fu du u think u are just groove wit me baby media,remix,bpm_095_100,trackback,in_video,chill,downtempo,female_vocals,piano,synthesizer,nc_sampling_plu...
steel jungles instrumental version of superhumangirl. stands very strong on its own. media,original,bpm_120_125,bass,dnb,electronic,guitar,hardcore,j...
from far away this track was an improvisation, and then it was built on later. the original first take is still there, intact and whole. contact me fo...
albert's tune backing playing with orchestra parts with finale. semi-classical pieace again. media,original,darkwave,electronic,goth,industrial,male_...
dorko so, ashwan gave curious a beat. curious played the beat to morose. morose played guitar over the beat for hours. curious then sat for more hours...
fifty toy whucha mostly good dream by lucas gonze but i added some bass and mandola for punctuation. the dialog is from a nixon interview found at ht...
jenni comes alive a slammin' hair-metal track about the wonderful things you can accomplish if you follow your dreams. media,original,electronic,expe...
i can't hold it down an upbeat acoustic guitar instrumental. nice foundation for vocals, percussion, other instruments. ,media,original,bpm_160_165,...
funky dunky (fudu edition) you better watch out i've got mic. now. victor on guitar. change the bassline already. th...
funky dunky (blade runner edition) a capellas a capellas from funky dunky (blade runner edition). please feel free to add as much pitch correction as ...
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