Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 444 - 456 of 768 matches total
...someone's daughter playing bighorn like i oughta right in view of artzy fartsy slag off big at paparazzi twitter like a cyber n
..., cello and violin) playing some fast or slow rythmic patterns to express anger and despair and wind instruments (clarinet, oboe and
...fects. it's just me playing. i expect to use this in an upcoming song. just throwing this out there as a raw sample. fb ,sample,
gambling addiction also includes milton's 'playing a slot machine' (freesound) but i had trouble linking to it: http://www.freesound.o...
...ition and sensitive playing which lent itself so perfectly to a poem i wrote some years ago. [i've uploaded files of the music wi
...], i really had fun playing with it. i started playing, cutting and chopping with some drum & brass loops and after a while i got a
bring it to me this is basically admiralbob's track, i just couldn't resist playing the clav on it and adding calling sister midnight's s...
...s. that turned into playing djembe, snare, kick, and shaker along with the admiral. then spinningmerkaba decided to join in, and pla
this is jazz? while playing around with quadrasid (a vst-plugin that emulates the c64 soundchip) this came out. :-) media,remix,how_i_did...[/url] i started playing with some sounds and builded this track in about 8 hours the chopped vocals at the end where created
interlude was playing around with this beat, but decided to submit as emergene samples. i know its a little late to submit, but maybe som...
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