Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 4116 - 4128 of 4310 matches total
... more variation and instruments, than some of the spoken word, but that may be my own bias toward electronica showing. "wailing"
... when i was a kid...feels like the real thing...the sincerity of intent comes through...well done..... .. .
...ack well. loved the instrumental break/bridge too.
...s to the sitar just feels completely right. an easy 5 from me. fabulous. i was going to try something with cibelle's source now t
cdk's review of 'envie_de_rien(hypnodrizzle_mix)' i like the instrumental but is there a bit to much reverb on the vocals? it sounds a li...
ms.vybe's review of 'call out to you' give me that i'll kill that sh- for real. up your backing instruments, keep your drumbeat, add more instruments, and drop the vocals. it would make for a more workable pi
...enerally i like the instrumentation but the vocals were off in some parts(2:58-3:08) which was a little distracting.
...richer mix with the instruments all turned up a bit. i do like the way the vocals sound in this mix. it's a good first effort.
choquett's review of 'espoit nokturne, choquett & beni-on vient de loin ( the dirty water treatment)' yeah the instrumental is "da bomb" ...
... could you post the instrumental?
...ix to bring all the instruments up dramatically. the cool guitar line is way too background--this should be exuberant music, not
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