Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 312 - 324 of 628 matches total
...tone of the poem, i experienced the music as rather hopeful.
review of 'soul wants to grow' by 'sackjo22' emily, you have a unique way of interpreting, then transforming your experience into somethi...
review of '_c:ell_4t for the night' by 'jacob nowak' i feel like charles chaplin in "modern times" :) great experience[up][/up][up][/up][...
review of 'jetaime' by 'timberman' timeless music & great guitars. a very pleasant experience.
review of 'thank you thank you i am fine' by 'csoul' a catchy listening experience again by you.[up][/up][up][/up][up][/up], peace
review of 'love' by 'ciggiburns' flowing and fascinating - a very peaceful and gentle listening experience. thank you.
review of 'thank you thank you i am fine' by 'mind map that!' i'm at a loss for words... but that was certainly an experience... a new on... such a different experience -- dreamy, evocative in a magical way. the electronic buzz reminiscent of fantastical insects flying
...hing. stunning jazz experience from the top drawer - [red]jazz[/red][blue]dazzle[/blue] from copper and jeris. thanks.
review of 'decaying orbit and radiation counting' by 'csoul' very special listening experience.i enjoyed so much. peace to this i had an experience not too dissimilar from [url=]this[/url], in that it brough
review of 'late night asynchronous improv #1' by 'speck' it's like everyone in the band just had a spiritual experience, except the drumm...
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