Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 288 - 300 of 501 matches total
rasta dog i sing when the phone rings and get louder when my owners don't answer. scomber & sassygal tricked me into recording this pell...
... and bass. with olddog continually raising the bar in this genre i just had to have a go. entered in this weeks [url=http://www.
where do we go (dogmix) a beautiful song from a voice that sends shivers down my spine. i can't resist playing piano on everything the...
all the time (dogmix) thanks to sackjo22 for this great song. i've given it an old-fashioned pop ballad/anthem feel - in 6/8 - probabl...
thizz place in the past i listened a lot of music from bands like beastie boys, bodycount or dog eat dog. recently, i found accidentally ...
... this will not be a popular favorite, but i thank you in advance for your tolerance (and completely understand if you haven't any).
all that she surveys inspired by backing tracks to already beautiful remixes, i thought take olddog's and magmavander's lush tracks, alre...
about this love i'm still figuring it out. don't even think cig's quantity surveyor friend could help. many thanks to olddog and sass...
sleep i vocalize and arrange. vo1k1 does the rest. "apologies lie, like broken dogs". media,remix,electronic,experimental,male_vocals,non...
broken the haunting voice of amelia june, music and arrangement by the smutdog media,remix,bpm_135_140,electronica,female_vocals,smutdog,...
kilis song was a great pella [thanks shannon] my buddys dog and mine were hit by the same car and his didnt make it. kili was her name. ...
centraleucomfort i would like to thank: olddog's excellent piano playing .. mctill's rap voice and the hungarian talents centraleucomfo...
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