Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 288 - 300 of 502 matches total
collaboration diploma not actually a remix but a mashup. i used an old (2005) track of mine, brushed it up, added the vocals and reedited...
...e. i love it when i actually have way more fun doing something then what i think i'm supposed to. the guitar samples from klaus_ne
quantity surveying / the under classic ep quantity surveying key & mix : thedeepr ciggiburns / thedeepr bocrew rmx 2010 ,media,r...
...less vocals. i actually added a lot more instrumentation initially, but after several hours of agonizing, i felt less was more.
human drums 2a 160bpm special thanks to my cousin paul for the isolating headphones. i can actually hear the click! ,sample,media,bpm_160...
b3 feat. amelia june-lies this is b3's first ever song, and we've actually spent the least amount of time making this one! i would like y...
gluttons for punishment rage against hans atom? please not! harmonies are changing in the refrain and get lighter....and actually yes: on...
...ts. the lyrics are actually a poem i wrote about post slavery trauma--a favorite of mine. thanks to dimitri's virtuoso violin and s
...never thought i’d actually do anything with it—until now hehe. i used sounds effects here as if they were going out of style…â
...eding singer", etc. actually that's why i developed the chorus of the song the way i did. i really hope you guys and girls enjoy
...t weeks[/url]. it's actually what inspired the show to begin with, and is the namesake for the show. so thanks teru and crew. :)
...e guitar, keys, and actual live drums on my mini snare this morning. some oohs and ahhs too. thanks for being my muse of the wee
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