Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 276 - 288 of 2269 matches total
... the streets, the houses, they were all still there. the bright yellow orb still hung in its ceiling of blue. but nothing moved. n
u can be yourself only all tracks played by artist using electric bass, keys ,sample,media,bpm_095_100,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stere...
...nly using the white keys of the piano but each one i start with a different base allowing totally different modes to shine through.
... z “eh-keys” “ee-gree-eh-guh” “seh-taw” ,media,remix,bpm_090_095,acappella,alternate,nc_sampling_plus,audio,m
dance, dance, dance started crafting a house mix using greg baumont's dance loop bass and synth brass. added copperheads drums. con...
...ogressive, liberal, household, and in a community with diversity. still, i recognize that i can do more to embody the equality i,for_remix,trance,house,progressive,progressive_trance,bass_music,bassy,instrumental,ballad,acoustic,unplugged,raw,grand_piano,for
empty house [i]the house was empty, and it looked like no one had been here in ages. max closed the door behind him, strolled into the ho...
firefly memories it was very interesting and somewhat challenging to compose this track with a variety of tempos, keys and genres to choo...
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