Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 264 - 276 of 489 matches total
...ata); hydrogen drum machine for the "second layer" of drums; zynaddsubfx driven by rosegarden. media,remix,how_i_did_it,bpm_above_18
...roused the excuse- properly executed swiftly, swiftly all around us we build- reconstruct piece together- what- was torn apart
... after we have been properly seeded we are all tested again “muh-nam-muh-nuh-mam-muh-nah!” “muh-nam-muh-nuh-mam-muh-nah!”
... after we have been properly seeded we are all tested again “muh-nam-muh-nuh-mam-muh-nah!” “muh-nam-muh-nuh-mam-muh-nah!” use a compressor properly - i'm trying!). i'll get lyrics up and stems if you want 'em. peace. ,media,secret_mixter,remix,summ
...y to suss these out properly :) bite me (please dont). much more fun listening to vidians back catalog. nice stuff mate [up][/up]
she was a machine i connected warm and beautifull snowflake poem with futuristic lyrics to get quite new expression. i used sounds of my ...
...nut and two missing machine heads. put a bolt just above the damaged top nut to raise the action and put on three second hand string
...legum pop hitmaking machines). apparently this pushed me toward the less-is-more approach here. there's many other mixters who could
'bout you small sketch using cut up vocals. not finished, or properly mixed. media,remix,how_i_did_it,chill,electro,non_commercial,audio,...
... speck on the drum machine. i play the live stuff. media,remix,bpm_080_085,atonal,experimental,instrumental,noise,progressive,rock,
...h. rage against the machine. i am on a drug. it’s called charlie sheen. i improvise like hardbop jazz. the scoreboard doesn
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