Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 264 - 276 of 502 matches total
island vacation here's another one from deep in the vaults. this was actually my final project for a music theory class i took in col...
... weren't made on an actual mos6581, i did go out of my way to work more or less within the limitations of one (although the drums ar
short fiction still barely a minute long, but has some actual sections now! clarence's bassline was already exactly 1/2 the right tempo, ...
...mbitious lol] so! i actually produced a whole photo shoot of like images involving this troubled couple, france & delma, for a cover
... and decided that i actually like this, and that it might be nice if some other people heard it. so, here it is. 120 bpm, in 6/8
2 dreams of tibet anchor actually had these dreams a few years ago. they are read from his dream journal. media,remix,bpm_105_110,electro...
...d of this track was actually mastered by the admiral himself! this is just a sketch of an idea -- i'd hoped to polish and properl for one song. 74 actually. 12 minutes of music plus some. ,sample,media,bpm_085_090,ccplus,preview,attribution,archive,zip,audio,
music has the right to freedom going to do another one and i'll actually play on it, you know , move my fingers. freedom_to_share,stage_t... this. this was actually quite fun to do! [b]that same old thang[/b] by [u]fhciii[/u] it's that same old, same old thang
... it to them, but to actually give it to them. i am doing this, not, to use your words, “because i am forced to do so.” i do i
freedom in my voice i'm actually working on the remix of the sackjo's pella "freedom in my voice". i'm singing in this remix. so, if you...
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