Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 216 - 228 of 2349 matches total
review of 'schrã¶dinger's television' by 'kara square' captivating... just the right sonic touches...
review of 'drowning in the cuervo river' by 'kara square' so cool how you made a secret set list highlighting panu's awesome songwriting... i'm with y...
review of 'against the grain' by 'panu' diggin' the granular vinyl vibe. . . !!! thanks for all 3 tracks, great production on all. . . .and the spo...
review of 'okay? okay (retro synth wave remix)' by 'apoxode' beautiful! you have a delicate touch with the levels and your choice of genre works wonde...
review of 'fall together' by 'kara square' absolutely exquisite arrangement... dynamic, eloquent, and inspiring. you've turned panu's soulful, touchin...
review of 'a rainy day' by 'apoxode' very comforting, solid production! my favorite element is the phasing control with the organ -- nice touch :) [u...
review of 'its been a while' by 'apoxode' very touching remix -- brilliant choices of material! your vocal treatment is incredible -- if i wasn't alre...
review of 'a true septahelix' by 'stefan kartenberg' i like the light oriental touch. itâ´is also very groovy and well arranged with all the breaks a...
review of 'fly on' by 'siobhan dakay' cool vintage touch. excellent combination of sample - the bass is super cool.
review of 'fall together pell' by 'apoxode' very touching piece -- your performance is emotional and heartfelt.
review of 'same destination' by 'ivan chew' it didn't sound like a serial-killer track to me. more like a melancholic and sadder version (excellent in...
review of '2019' by 'panu' excellent musical touch & production. congrats on the ed pick! [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]++
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