Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 1596 - 1608 of 1676 matches total
nokarate a song about a traveler who had to use kung foo to fight off the karate masters at every party. then he leaves the deathmatch p...
fog on the bluff looking to collaborate... -blue media,remix,bpm_090_095,trackback,in_video,in_podcast,a...
... and anxiety it generates. media,remix,chill,downtempo,electro,electronic,female_vocals,synthesizer,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,ste
... and anxiety it generates. acappella,media,trackback,in_video,in_remix,downtempo,electronic,female_vocals,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,
freedom (prayerful mix) sample attribution: a substantial sample from caul's excellent apophasis album is incorporated here. apophasis i...
blessed are the greedy whispered melodic song about god and greed. key of a flat minor, 4/4 time. [u]blessed are the greedy[/u] moses... make the air vibrate very faintly, will reach you in tokyo. the people of this island believe that there is a demon living in
...reen mood. i am grateful that the mutopia project posts public domain and creative commons midi samples such as the "greensleeves
the folly of passion not sure which genre to place this in... turned out reasonably well, at any rate. media,remix,bpm_100_105,experiment...
arms of steel i tried to incorporate gurdonark's advice in this song. this is only a rough track, i was hoping to get some constructive c...
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