Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 1536 - 1548 of 1591 matches total
we are a slow trip-hop track with some words on the environment. contains excerpts from an interview by the discovery team with dr. ...
...led "compassion not words" from my next negative sound institute release, which will be called "pleasant memories". media,remix,how_
springtime here's something for you to remix, in time for spring... just a jazzy little improv with sweet tart words. acappella,media,bal...
crisis i don' understand all the words from acappella, but i think this beat doesn't fit the main idea of the vocals ;) and what do you ...
ana-3colorremix with spoken words (in french) by vieux and amadou sal. in the intro, vieux says that his family never wanted him to be a...
urban january: time to write, headmap memories a collection of words from a few pieces i wrote this past january. some of it's personal,...
innertide inspired by words of those sampled. let me know what you think. cheers, blue media,remix,trackback,in_album,ambient,chil...
ana detroit mix i don't understand the words but i do understand the music. respect contest_entry,vieux,remix,bpm_110_115,experimental,no...
traveling alone monsterbaby's spoken word pieces have been a great source of inspiration...the tone, rhythm, words and the silences in be...
afterall a song composed around [b][/b]'s [b]tiberion[/b] , with words from [b]eightprime[/b]'s [b]lifeboat[/b]. merry ch...
...nue on, echoing the words of the song. i also tried to use changes in pitch and tone to give a visual of color. contest_entry,ghostl
metro ride i guess it's a nice and quiet tune for embedding melissak's spoken words. hope you'll like it. edit: i recently noticed tha...
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