
Reviews for "The Scariest Thing About You"

The Scariest Thing About You
by Speck
Recommends (16)
Sun, Oct 15, 2017 @ 6:00 AM

Uses samples from:

Kara Square
permalink   Sun, Oct 15, 2017 @ 9:01 AM
Yep. I’m definitely scared. You summed it up. Great use of Martijn’s instrumental. Nice piano adds, too. It’s kind of amazing how we get new reasons to be scared every single damn day…
Abstract Audio
permalink   Sun, Oct 15, 2017 @ 10:59 AM
Lazy sunday music. Love it!
Vocal could use some extra brightness to make it cut true the music
permalink   Sun, Oct 15, 2017 @ 7:41 PM
This is brilliant Speck! I completely feel the frustration expressed in your lyrics. Strong vocal performance — I especially dig the high and low octave double. “now you’ve got your pussygrabbin fingers on the button…” frighteningly funny. and it hurts. it is somehow comforting to find we’re all feeling quite similarly about this crazy, stupid person running our country. we need more tracks with great lyrics/vocals like this from you :)
Martijn de Boer (NiGiD)
permalink   Mon, Oct 16, 2017 @ 5:49 AM
Great one Speck
permalink   Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 2:43 AM
Hello Speck,

Nice and Scary Mood.
Each time i’ve listened your works,
i was blocked or stopped
by the strange sounds or arrangements / mix of weirds sounds
(sorry to say that).

But the magic is that you do it very well,
and you made with them (arrangements, sounds),
your mark and your original conception of music.
The impression I kept from your works,
is like visiting a weird shop with a lot of mysterious stuffs,
everywhere we look. Your sounds are this stuffs.

Finally, after some years, i finded a charming universe,
where we have to insist and swin to really understand
the way you do music.
(in a positive meaning)

So, this track is Purely Good and fresh ! An Excellent Job.
I Stop my sick writing.
And hope to hear more like this, with your voice later !

Have a nice day Speck.