
Reviews for "he's remodeling your nosy guns"

he's remodeling your nosy guns
by Speck
Recommends (15)
Wed, Apr 14, 2010 @ 5:15 AM
permalink   Wed, Apr 14, 2010 @ 5:21 AM
you’re definitely in the running for ‘best title’ with this one. this was very inspiring, very uplifting both for the sounds & the way they’re put together. excellent.
permalink   Speck Wed, Apr 14, 2010 @ 5:33 AM
Quote: panu moon…’best title’…The very last bit of the vocal sample sounded like that to me. It’s probably not even close. I wonder what it actually is.
permalink   Wed, Apr 14, 2010 @ 8:28 AM
Nice. Excellent drums, and I love how you introduce the other elements one by one - like how all the different vocals.

Great use of rhythm. I hear 6/4 but in a 4/4 + 2/4 way, if that makes sense.

Yeah, I like this a lot. Love it when you blend such musical ideas with your more edgy rhythms and production.
permalink   Thu, Apr 15, 2010 @ 9:23 AM
Hey speck. great job man, I loved the blends between the vocals and the sax. pretty interesting production going inside your head! love it.
permalink   Sat, Apr 17, 2010 @ 8:27 AM
Mmmm…nice. Cinematic as always.
I get all sorts of associations Most of them positive. Feel like I’m in a sort of half asleep, semi dream state when listening. I like that.