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Reviews for "Killer Smile"

Killer Smile
by Ivan Chew
Recommends (14)
Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 2:15 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

permalink   Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 3:13 AM
Hi Ivan. Very interesting take on the lyrics ( you seem to have been very supernatural recently )

Again like the synths

As it happens I went to Whitby the other day, took my dog eared copy of Dracula and read a few bits whilst soaking in the atmosphere. It rained (he he )
permalink   Ivan Chew Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 6:31 PM
Haha, been reading too many fantasy novels recently! Thanks for the comment.
permalink   Sat, Nov 10, 2012 @ 1:52 PM
I think a lot of your music is inspiration for people who also write stories such as myself. You use a lot of proper tension in your pieces that just lends itself to dramatic thinking and imagination. Nicely done 8^)
permalink   Ivan Chew Sat, Nov 10, 2012 @ 6:59 PM
That’s one of the most meaningful compliments I’ve received here. Thanks man! To me, music is another way to visualise stories. I tend to think in terms of the music, then the visual storyboard, and finally (and rather cumbersome) the words. For this track, I had a whole music video in my head too. I’m not entirely satisfied with this remix. Glad it’s of some help to others. Cheers man.