
Reviews for "At Least the Food Is Good"

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Wed, Aug 20, 2008 @ 9:20 PM
pandora, my dear. I’ve been anxiously awaiting yor ol magnum opus usin my plum pitiful Corky’s a capella but so far there ain’t been nothin ta listen to as there is no “play” button on yor ol page here. Try uploadin it again as you are possibly the only ol soul who is interested in doin somethin completely nonsensical or possibly societaly meaningful on this here torpid ol site.
permalink   pandora Sun, Jan 10, 2010 @ 6:39 PM
Quote: Doghouse Rileyso far there ain’t been nothin ta listen to as there is no “play” button on yor ol page here.Oh dear! Is it because I used FLAC? Maybe I should have uploaded it as MP3… I can still download it though. Can you?