Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Reviews for "Musing"

by ike_poet
Recommends (4)
Wed, Aug 6, 2014 @ 7:23 AM
permalink   Wed, Aug 6, 2014 @ 1:54 PM
I really like everything I’ve heard from you. Very much. This one being no exception. But I’d like to remind you to please upload separate stems/tracks. As it says on the sample submission page, a mix is not a sample. Well actually it says DO NOT UPLOAD FULLY MIXED TRACKS but there’s no reason to be all upper-case about it. If you upload this mix as the preview then upload the separate tracks as additional files more people will be able to use your samples in more creative ways.

unreal_dm’s latest upload (here) is a perfect example.
permalink   ike_poet Wed, Aug 6, 2014 @ 7:17 PM
I don’t seem to always be able to get the individual tracks to extract to proper wave files and keep them under 50Mb… I am trying! :)
permalink   Speck Thu, Aug 7, 2014 @ 4:36 AM
If you have the ability to convert those wav files into flac files they get much smaller. The admins here encourage flac files as they are supposed to be lossless but use up much less space.
Admittedly I still prefer wav as I’ve had trouble opening some people’s flacs in my main editor (Soundforge). But when that happens I can usually open them in Reaper and convert them back into wav.
Heck, a lot of people just upload their samples as mp3s and those work fine too.
permalink   ike_poet Thu, Aug 7, 2014 @ 8:03 AM
ah yes, thx for the helpful tips. one problem i get is that the DAW i’m using (Ignite) seems to be too simplified, i am not always able to extract the mic’d files (audio) even when the midi gets coverted just fine. so the problem is separating them out from the original project/song in the first place, so not able to even make mp3s of individ tracks. i am learning Studio One 2, so that should help.
permalink   Speck Thu, Aug 7, 2014 @ 8:27 AM
Have you checked out Reaper? It’s only something like $60 and does everything my $500 daw does.